jeudi, mars 20, 2008

The Shallows Full of Splendor

Oceans – huge and fearsome and rustling with ghosts and monsters and… things;
Heaving with the breath of the abyss
Alive with flurrying colourful fish
Crashing against levees and invading soft golden beaches
Tainting with mud and silver the distant Oriental reaches
Riddled with foam from a dozen different alkali and bleaches:
The sea is a story of chemical bliss.The dream-coloured sky mirrors the waters and mist
Its depth is infinite and cloudy;
............................................. …it cries loneliness and it rumbles and it sighs and it sings.

Oceans like marred expanses of volatile rock, turmoil deserts of surrogate glass;
Oceans like so many gallons of pigswill –
Nothing is more silent and still.
There are waves that echo with the cries of dead seagulls
And the lashing of the wind is nowhere so dull
As it is beneath the sea, where its song is lush and full
And monotonous.
............................. …Luminous and rippling with krill,
Obscured by the looming shapes that fill
The ocean, there is something of a moon that stretches out to sea like silver grass.

Oceans that carry, oceans that drown, oceans that freeze and oceans that rise
And oceans that languorously murmur
Of the distant shores that await the dreamer:
They exist only through those visions that rise with the steam.
The riches they hold are the stuff of the wildest of dreams,
The dead and treasures and shipwrecks and myths to redeem
That sometimes stir in the current’s calm tremor.
Those are the oceans that shine in the summer,
Those are the ones that glow softly,
.............................................. …those that take on the colour of legendary fires.

Petit poeme en anglais pour le moutondepanurge qui est le seul lecteur qui a vote donc tant pis pour le reste vous n'aviez qu'a me donner votre avis.
Ca parle d'oceans, ou cas ou vous n'auriez pas devine.

EDIT Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais Blogger ne respecte pas ma mise en page, ce qui veut dire que la ou il y a plein de points il devrait y avoir un blanc et des points de suspension. C'est moyen mais c'est tout ce que j'ai trouve.
Si vous n'etes pas contents vous pouvez faire un proces a Blogger (quoique je doute que ca en vaille la peine).

1 commentaire:

K. a dit…

j'aime beaucoup tes derniers poèmes. même en français.
mets ton blog à jour plus souvent. c'est un ordre.