Inhaling freetrade glucose and serpentine dreams
I was IN CHARACTER, I did not want to blow it...
But then my mind left my skull and burst through the beams
Looking for The Ultimate Comfort, a Great Flood
Of Faith, or salvation, or just plain sunshine
Every single drop of my caffeinated blood
Yearned for something higher, would that it was mine.
It was with the eyes of the POET that I gazed
At the rape of the world, quiet and unfazed
I thought I was strong, I thought I stood tall
It was with irony and insult that I glared
At the somber morons with whom I shared
The most POETic idiocy of them all.
("I thought I was a poet, I had so much to say..." - Low)
Short and sweet, one of my nonsonnets (poetic form that enables the author to pretend that e knows about poetic codes without actually having to bother to respect the specifics of the sonnet)
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